Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Update on Movie

Okay, I was right in the middle of that story, and then the holidays came around, not that I did anything on the holidays, but I was still disrupted. Actually, I tried to clean my kitchen over the holidays, but I only got as far as moving all the pots and pans and shit into the bedroom so I could clean. I didn't get around to cleaning, and now the pots and pans and shit are in the bedroom.

Actually, we just kept right on working on the movie, The Pool, over the holidays. Well, actually, my co-workers kept working on it while I attempted to clean my office. I got everything off the shelves and onto the floor, where I've been tripping over it for days now, but the project stalled out due to my kitchen cleaning project (see above). As soon as they (my co-workers) would get a new edit of the movie done, we'd wait until nightfall and then watch it in our state-of-the-art screening facility.

The reason we wait for night is because we have to wait for all the other offices close up for the day and go home (this wasn't an issue over the holidays, by the way) because there are women working in the other offices and it might inconvenience them not to be able to use the women's bathroom. Yes, we use the lady's lounge as our screening room. That is because it's the most movie theater-like room in the building. When they remodeled this building, they went all out on the gal's toilet—it's like one of those old-fashioned lounges, with lots of mirrors and couches and a big white wall that we project the movie on. We move a few more couches in, and really, it's pretty nice. For some reason they didn't do much to the men's—it's pretty much like one of those at a filling station where the door is around back—it's always cold, it's small, and there always seems to be water dripping and a sewer gas smell. They clean it every day, though, that being the big difference from a filling station. Oh, and I realize there is one woman, Kate, working in our office, but during screenings she uses the bathroom before we set up the projector, and then gives us a hard time about the sorry state of the men's—like it's our fault or something.

The movie was pretty much finished being edited back in September, but we're now watching for the fine tuning, the little things that, if you know anything about editing, or movies, or art, or anything, you know that these little things are crucial—they are pretty much what makes the difference between a masterpiece and a floating turd. Watching the movie in the restroom causes us to keep turds on our minds, as in, “pay attention to these small details or else.” I mean, it's not going to be a turd no matter what we do at this point, but we want it to be the best it can be. I mean, my co-workers do, even more than me. I want to get my office cleaned up before I trip over anything else. Fortunately, it's a group effort! The film, I mean—I mean fortunately it's not just me, because I kind of have the habit of leaving things on the floor where everyone trips over them.

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