Tuesday, August 28, 2007

World's Most Difficult Job

Q. What is the world's most difficult job?

It has to be replacing the paper towels in paper towel dispensers. There are many, many different kinds of paper towel dispensers, but they are all a nightmare to keep up with. Some have locks, and it's really easy to lose the key. Some are just really uncooperative. And people use really a lot of paper towels! Even if they just pee, they wash their hands (with soap!) and then dry them with like 18 paper towels. Even if a paper towel dispenser held like ONE MILLION paper towels, it would still have to be filled sometime, and in that case it would be such a big job no one would want to deal with it. And the key would be lost... it's just a really big problem, you know? And no one likes those blow dryer things, except weirdos.

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