Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday (I think)

I'm at the Eating Establishment for breakfast--this place is exactly the same! That's kind of comforting. I just beat the crowds--now they're piled up in the vestabule, waiting for a table. I'm the only asshole by myself here--though I'm sure not the only asshole! I order an omelette-- and then, attempt, it's worth a try-- when I decline the wheat toast I ask for extra potatoes. They might say no, but at least that tells them that I'm not some Atkins Diet freak. The waiter says "sure" -- then he also brings me an extra bowl of fruit!-- which is really nice of him-- plus the potatoes! There are too many potatoes-- a massive heap-- I try to eat them all, along with the entire pot of watery golden west coffee (Hunter Thompson described some coffee that way once, so I always thnk of that when I get those copper colored plastic thermal pots they leave on your table).

Yesterday Chris, Kate and I went to the HQ to get lanyairds and shit-- it's at the Marriott that used to be the Olympia Park (or some similar name). Crispen Glover is in the lobby, with a small crowd around him. Did I overhear that Johnny Rebel might be making a surprise musical apperarnce? We can only hope my ears were deceiving me. We go upstairs and get the lanyairds and shit. Doing much the same thing is Mike Bonanno, one of the illustrious "Yes Men" who I first met at this same spot (well this town, and film festival) 11 years ago. Then later I see, at Albertson's, James Westby, a filmmaker from Portland who I haven't seen in like eight years-- he recognized me, said "hi"-- He's made a couple of films since I saw him last. I was auditioning for a small part in one of his films-- but the guy who played Les Nessman on WKRP in Cincinatti got the part!

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